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White Sheet


Ayurveda is an ancient natural wellness system from India. More than 5,000 years old, this time-honored tradition of healing awakens your body’s innate intelligence and repair mechanisms. On a practical level, Ayurveda—the “science of life”—helps you find balance through simple daily rituals, diet and herbs- although we focus more on the rituals and treatments at Blue Lotus Spa. 


Throughout this website, we help to guide you by indicating treatments to balance your dosha or to counter what our environment is experiencing at the time with our change of seasons.  Feel free to take our recommendations or simply choose a treatment that sounds beneficial to you and your spirit.

It’s all about you and your own unique needs. 

The Doshas & The Elements

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As with the elements, all three of the doshas can be found in everyone and everything, but in different proportions. They combine to create different climates, different foods, different species, and even different individuals within the same species.

In fact, the particular ratio of vata, pitta, and kapha within each of us provides us with a blueprint for optimal health (otherwise known as our constitution), and plays a significant roll in our individual physical, mental, and emotional character traits—as well as our unique strengths and vulnerabilities.

Dosha Functions

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Dosha Qualities

These qualities make balancing the doshas very intuitive because, according to Ayurveda, like increases like and opposites balance.


When any one of the doshas is aggravated, we can generally promote a return to balance by reducing the influence of that dosha’s qualities, while favoring their opposites.


If we know which specific qualities are aggravated, we can focus on pacifying those qualities in particular, while favoring foods, herbs, and experiences that amplify their opposing energies.


This table shows the ten pairs of opposites most commonly referenced in Ayurveda.

pair and opp.png

Please note:  All prices listed are the cash-discount prices.  If using credit cards, a service/convenience fee is added.

blue lotus spa
64 durfee street, suite 11
fall river, ma  02720

(508) 572-4346
0pen by appt mon-sat
closed on sunday

use the professional suite doors.

Click the Waze icon for GPS directions

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